A nourishing self-care retreat for writers!
Join us for a 5-week journey to give back to your writer-self, restore your natural vitality, and support the amazing gift you hold within.
"5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul" is a beautiful online course that explores five essential focus areas to help you reset as a writer and gain the support you need on your beautiful writing path.
This nourishing experience provides a safe space to replenish and revitalize. Over the course of five weeks, this journey of grace, nourishment, self-care, gratitude, and self-love helps you reset and regain the strength to shine the light you hold within you.
"5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul" has helped hundreds of writers from around the world. If you could use support and care for your writer-self, we welcome you to join us starting May 5. It's a beautiful gift for your writer-self — and you're worth it!
WHEN: May 5 - June 8, 2024 (FULL)
TIME: 60-90 minutes per week
COST: $65.00 USD
WHERE: Guided online course
Hosted on our safe and secure online platform.
Missed our last 5-Week Reset?
Email Melanie to be notified when our next 5-Week Reset is scheduled.
Your Guide: Melanie Steele
Melanie has spent two decades helping writers find, embrace, and
become their best selves. A dedicated teacher, writer, coach, and guide, Melanie provides a beautiful combination of support and inspiration to lead you through a powerful journey to become the writer you can be. Email Melanie
The demands of the modern world can take their toll. There is only so much that writers can give of themselves before they are left feeling depleted of their natural vitality and unable to fully shine their light.
​If you have been feeling low or depleted...
If you have been unable to tap into your creativity...
If you have more within you than you have been able to express...
This course is for you! It is a nourishing, safe place to replenish the gift you hold within. Filled with helpful insights, inspiring meditations, creative prompts, empowering practices, and a supportive weekly discussion, 5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul helps you revitalize your writer-self. Over the course of five weeks, you'll take a journey of nourishment, self-care, gratitude and appreciation so you can reset and give yourself the boost you need to step forward on your path.
Topics We'll Cover:
Explore the benefits of listening to yourself, giving yourself space and room to breathe, and of letting go of some of the pressures you place on yourself.
Learn positive ways to give yourself grace, be still... and simply rest. Doing so is necessary for your personal and writing well-being.
Recognize your needs and commit to filling those needs so your writer-self can thrive.
Create and embrace opportunities to enjoy life, to notice the little things, and to remember to smile and laugh.
Love that is focused and given intentionally can nurture and strengthen your writer-self.
Course Philosophy:
We believe writers are important. They have been essential throughout history, and they are especially important today, in this turbulent world. Writers have the power to make people think, feel, and act. They have the potential to heal, inspire, and lead others through important changes.
5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul is designed to help you give back to your writer-self. As a writer, you may be more used to giving of yourself than to yourself. But it's time to replenish, recharge, and revitalize. You're worth it!
Guiding Principles:
We believe in you. You are important, and what you have to say matters.
5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul is a safe place to recharge.
We support you. You are not alone. There are many like-minded people who are on the same journey.
You deserve to take care of yourself. This is a place for writers to reset and revitalize so their brightest light can shine.
How it Works
Every Sunday for five weeks starting on May 5, you will receive access to a new lesson of the course, where you'll be introduced to a new topic and listen to a guided meditation that will help you align and connect with the material. You’ll then have a short writing exercise and a task to complete to help you master the week's topic, carry it with you, and integrate it into your life. Throughout the week, we encourage you to use the writing prompts to help you more deeply connect and embrace the lesson.
Then, on Friday of each week, you will be invited to share your thoughts and progress with others who are taking this journey alongside you, so that you may express your insights and learn from one another's experiences.
We designed the course to work no matter what time zone you are in, so you may come into each week's lesson and discussion at whatever time works best for you. They become available at 7 a.m. EDT, and they remain open to access for as long as you need. The time commitment for each week is approximately 60-90 minutes total, although some participants choose to spend longer.
Each week, you will receive:
A new topic to explore, practice, and discuss.
A focused guided meditation to help you connect and align with the topic.
A writing exercise to help you gain clarity and insight into the topic.
An activity to help you put the topic into action in your life.
Five journaling prompts that explore the topic and help you apply it to your life and writing journey.
A weekly discussion where you can share your thoughts and receive guidance and support along the way.
In just a few minutes per week, you will gain nurturing, empowering skills and learn to incorporate them into your life so you can carry them with you on your writing path.
Each week, you will log in to access the new lesson, meditation, task, writing prompt, and discussion. We recommend the following schedule: Sunday-Monday to complete the lesson, Tuesday-Thursday to practice incorporating the lesson into your life, and Friday-Saturday to share your thoughts and progress with other course participants.
You will continue to have access to all the course materials after you have made your way through, including all 5 meditations, exercises, and journaling prompts. Whenever you need a refresher or a pick-me-up, stop by. 5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul is a safe place for you, and you are always welcome.
What Others Have Said
"5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul is the greatest gift I have ever given to myself, going above and beyond my expectations, with individual attention and insightful comments for each student from Melanie. I felt her genuine interest in each of her students in her insightful comments. Reset was presented without any forcefulness, always gently to the student as an offering, with illuminating course work. I am very grateful to be writing again and that a lost sense of meaning and purpose in life has come back to me, to my writer's soul. I cannot gain back lost time, but I plan to write faithfully with the gift of time that each day brings to me from now on." ~Ann L., course participant 2023
"I want to say how meaningful, timely and utterly invaluable I found your course to be!" ~Kim M., course participant 2023
"I thoroughly enjoyed the 5-Week Reset for the Writer’s Soul. Life gets busy and through the course, I learned how to take better care of myself and the great importance and benefits of this. What I learned has become a natural part of my day. I take time for nurturing myself without even having to think about it. Thus I am more at peace and relaxed. My life has slowed down and I am much happier and better focussed. ~Gail J., course participant 2023
"I enjoyed the "5-Week Reset" very much. It helped me to slow down and to focus on some things that I have been lacking. I have very quickly realized that my overall motivation and mood about writing have changed. It truly is amazing how much of a difference taking care of yourself in a couple of areas can make. Thank you Melanie for creating this course. Wishing you and all your future students the best!" ~Stephanie M., course participant 2022
"I have enjoyed and appreciated this Reset very much! My confidence was so low that I almost didn't sign up. It is remarkable that once you start caring for yourself you feel better, are more energized, and for me at least more inspired. I especially loved beginning my week with the meditation and lesson to carry with me." ~Diane J., course participant 2022
"I have truly enjoyed this course and the sharing of the group. Things happen for a reason, and I am grateful for the time I have invested in caring for myself. I truly feel this will help me move forward as a writer. It showed me the connection between caring for myself and my confidence and quality of writing. Thank you!" ~Iris H., course participant 2022
"Thank you Melanie for the 5-Week Reset, and a big thank you to my fellow writers for sharing your insights! I always feel at home in the company of other writers. This reset was just what I needed to get back on track." ~Kim S., course participant 2022
"I was delighted to be a part of your 5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul. It was an amazing course. Listening to your meditations and writing about the different activities was so uplifting. I love writing and your course brought more of my thoughts to paper. Each week I looked forward to working my way through the weekly task and learning new skills. I would highly recommend this course, as I got so much from it." ~Josephine M., course participant 2021
"Thank you for offering this beautiful course and for always being there for writers. The weekly lessons were very powerful and beneficial, and I loved how they worked together to provide a deep reset for my writer's soul. I feel refreshed, empowered, and inspired to write again, after a long stretch of doubt and uncertainty. Thank you for this gift and for all you do!" ~Rose M., course participant 2021
"I have loved every minute of this. Every topic, every meditation, and every exercise is so insightful and immensely helpful. These are tools every writer should carry with them! Thank you for helping me to focus on myself for a few minutes a day and learn the value of doing so." ~Amelia R., course participant 2021
"This course taught me the importance of taking care of myself. Since taking it, I feel better, I have been writing more, and I feel more creative" ~Grayson B., course participant 2021
"For years, I have been swimming upstream. I have been struggling to hang on to my love of writing and wondering why it feels so hard. I'm supposed to love writing, not dread it! I found this course at a pivotal moment when I was strongly considering giving up writing because it simply felt like it was going nowhere. This course turned out to be exactly what I needed to get myself back on track. It helped me to realize that I had been running on empty (no wonder I felt so low) and helped me get back the perspective and inspiration I needed. I am feeling inspired again. I enjoy sitting down to write again. Thank you Melanie for creating this course!" ~Sara G., course participant 2021
"This course is the perfect balance of support, inspiration, and a kick in the butt to get back on track. I recommend it to anyone who is feeling worn down or disillusioned and is looking to be a happy, healthy writer." ~Victoria B., course participant 2021
"Thank you so much for the course. I find it hard to put myself out there as a writer and this course has given me more confidence. I also found the meditations extremely helpful to prepare myself for the day." ~Brad A, course participant 2021
"I wish I had taken this course years ago. If I had I truly believe I would be happier and more fulfilled today. You have helped me replenish the well that was running dry. I am ready to write again and be more connected and balanced as I do. That is truly an amazing gift." ~Stacia M., course participant 2021
Payment and Scholarships
Partial scholarships are available for those in need.
We work hard to keep 5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul affordable. We also have a few partial scholarships available to help those who might need it. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please contact Melanie at: melanie@forthewriterssoul.com
Why Participate?
5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul is an opportunity to return to the path you deserve to be on—a place of joy, health, and self-love.
We know firsthand how easy it can be to stray off-course, to become out of tune with the truth and creativity we hold within, and to begin to lose our way. As writers, we owe it to ourselves to reset and step forward with purpose and joy.
How would it feel to regain your strength, restore your natural vitality, and nourish your soul? What would it mean to you to replenish your amazing writer-self? Make an investment in yourself today and find out what's waiting for you!
We Welcome You to Join Us!
It takes strength and vitality to write your truth. Reset and replenish your writer-self & see how bright your amazing light can shine...
Sign up for "5-Week Reset for the Writer's Soul"
May 5 - June 8, 2024 (FULL)
TIME: 60-90 minutes per week
COST: $65.00 USD
WHERE: Guided online course
Missed our last 5-Week Reset?
Email Melanie to be notified when our next 5-Week Reset is scheduled.
Hosted on our safe and secure online platform.